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Invite a new person and get 50% OFF on your next monthly payment
And obviously, if you invite more, the discount is added in your immediate consecutive following month. That is, for 2 new BEATERS you get your next month for free, and for 3 new BEATERS you get one month for free and 50% OFF on the following month.
Each applied promotion will enter a list to fact check who entered by whom. You’ll recieve a promocode for your discount, don’t worry, we have the full month to notify you by mail the amount of discount you earned.
Terms and Conditions of the Promotion:
- The poromotion can’t be applied for previous BEATERS (Active or Inactive), You have to refer only new BEATERS
- The same new BEATER will not benefit several active BEATERS, only the first one will be taken into account. (Hurry Up!!!)
- The discounts are immediate consecutive cumulative (The discount you get, starts to be valid in the next month if you have an active membership, If you are new, send us your friends email, name and number, we will provide the corresponding discount code for you.
- The promotion may not be paused or skip months, it will be applied to the following months.
- The promo is not transferable or divisible.
- The NEW BEATER does not get the discount.
- You get the discount only if the NEW BEATER pays full price on any Monthly Payment
You can secure your new BEATER promoCode by sending an email to hello@thebeatsworkout.com with the information of theat new person (Full Name, Email, 10-digit phone number), so we know that person started beating thanks to you!
- New BEATER MUST Register and Pay full price in any of the plans.
- You MUST send an email to hello@thebeatsworkout.com with the email, name and phone number of the new BEATER, so we know that you refered the new BEATER
Let’s BEAT it !!!
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